Aloe Vera, Medicina Aloe, Savila, Outdoor Plant

AED 12AED 30

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Max Height: 0.80m Spread: Indefinite

Origin:  South Africa Family: Aloeaceae/ Liliaceae

Common Name: Aloe Vera, Medicinal Aloe, Savila Flower Colour: Yellow

Drought Tolerance: High Salinity Tolerance: Medium

Sun Tolerance: High Wind Tolerance: High

Water Requirement: Low PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: High Disease Tolerance: High

Growth Rate: Medium Fragrance: No

Aloe Vera is a multipurpose plant that benefits health and skin in many ways. It is also found in many cosmetics, skin lotions, and ointments. The Aloe Vera widely known for its healing properties is very easy to care for.

Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow producing basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to clean the air.


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