Canna Indica, Purpurea

AED 25

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Max Height: 1.5-2.2m Spread: 0.5m

Origin: S. America Family: Cannaceae

Common Name: Canna Lily, Indian Shot Flower Colour: Red

Drought Tolerance: Low Salinity Tolerance: Medium

Sun Tolerance: Medium Wind Tolerance: Medium

Water Requirement: High PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: Medium Disease Tolerance: Medium

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: No

***  Plant Size : 70-100cm

Canna indica ‘Purpurea’ is a rhizomatous perennial with ovate-lance-shaped to oblong, dark purple leaves, to 50cm long. Racemes or panicles of iris-like, bright red or soft orange flowers, 5-7cm across. Height 1.5-2.2m, Spread 50cm. Native to tropical and subtropical South America. Canna plants are shorter than your average canna, making them ideal for every garden or small patio. They come in a range of tropical colours, including this stunning Bronze Scarlet, and bloom over an impressively long period! Flowers May-October.


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