Gazania Uniflora, Treasure Flower (small)

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Gazania uniform, also known as Treasure Flower, is a spreading, evergreen perennial with glossy leaves up to 15 cm long. The leaves are dark green on top and covered with silky white hairs underneath. In early summer, it produces solitary yellow flowerheads, often with contrasting color zones.

You’ve likely seen this plant on public nature strips or roundabouts and wondered about planting it in your garden. This hardy perennial features rosettes of leathery, silver-green leaves that contrast beautifully with masses of stunning, large, bright yellow, daisy-like flowers that add color throughout most of the year. It’s very easy to grow, tolerating dry and neglected conditions while continuing to flower with minimal care.

Commonly referred to as Treasure Flower, Gazania varieties include Gazania leucolaena, Gazania pavonia, Gazania rigens var. rigens, Gazania splendens, Gazania uniflora, and Gorteria heterophylla.

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