Jasminum Grandiflora, Grandiflorum, Jasmine Climber

AED 45AED 95

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Max Height: 12m Spread: 12m

Origin: Caucasus, N. Iran, Afghanistan, Himalayas, W. China Family: Oleaceae

Common Name: Poet’s Jasmine, Common Jasmine Flower Colour: White

Drought Tolerance: Low Salinity Tolerance: Low

Sun Tolerance: Medium Wind Tolerance: Medium

Water Requirement: Medium PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: Medium Disease Tolerance: Medium

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: Yes

80 – 100cm

Conservatory plant with exquisite scent in summer and winter. Flowers flushed purple in bud opening white in clusters. Jasminum grandiflora Or Jasmine Climber is vigorous, twining, woody, deciduous, occasionally semi-deciduous climber with opposite, pinnate, mid-green leaves composed of 5-9 elliptic leaflets, to 6cm long, with long, sharp points. Terminal, umbel-like cymes of up to 5-flowered clusters of salverform, very fragrant white flowers, 2cm across, are produced from summer to early autumn.

Catalan jasmine,French Jasmine,Jasmine Climber,Jasminum grandiflora,Jasminum grandifloraum,Royal jasmine,Spanish jasmine




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