
Lampranthus spectabilis, Copiosus (small)


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Max Height: 30cm Spread: Indefinite

Origin:  South Africa Family: Aizoaceae

Common Name: Trailing Ice Plant Flower Colour: Purple

Drought Tolerance: High Salinity Tolerance: Medium

Sun Tolerance: High Wind Tolerance: High

Water Requirement: Low PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: Low Disease Tolerance: Medium

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: No

Lampranthus spectabilis is known as Trailing Ice Plant. Is  variable, spreading, prostrate succulent with narrowly 3-angled to cylindrical, keeled, mid-green leaves, 5-8cm long, partly tinged red. Produces reddish purple or, occasionally, white flowers, 5-7cm across, from summer to early autumn. It does not withstand strong frosts and inhabits coastal areas without problems.

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