Money Tree – Dollar Plant – Jade Plant – Jade Tree

AED 30AED 95

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An attractive, sculptural, evergreen, succulent sub-shrub with branches carrying oval-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves, edged with red. Crassula ovata is slow-growing, and perfect for indoor containers. It produces clusters of small, star-shaped, white or light pink flowers, in late summer.

Crassula ovata known as Dollar Plant, Jade Plant, Jade Tree, Money True. Erect, many-branched, succulent shrub with a thick, fleshy stem and elliptic, glossy, mid-green leaves, sometimes red-margined, 2-4cm long. Bears star-shaped, white to pale pink flowers, to 8mm across, in autumn. Height 2m or more, Spread 1m or more.

Once established as a mature plant, it forms a miniature tree like structure, with a thick trunk and branches. Leaves are thick, fleshy and opal shaped in a deep, glossy jade green, sometimes with a red tinge at the leaf edge. New growth starts on stems that have the same colour and texture as the leaves, but this hardens into a brown, woody stem in time.



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