Spider Lily, Hymenocallis Littoralis, Lilly

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Max Height: 80cm Spread: 30cm

Origin: West Indies Family: Amaryllidaceae

Common Name: Spider Lily, Ismene, Sea Daffodil Flower Colour: White

Drought Tolerance: Low Salinity Tolerance: Low

Sun Tolerance: High Wind Tolerance: Medium

Water Requirement: Medium PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: High Disease Tolerance: Low

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: Yes

Hymenocallis littoralis or Spider Lilly is a bulbous plant. Leaves are long, fleshy, up to 60cm long, 5cm wide, glossy green. Flowers are in sessile umbel, white, with extra long tube, up to 20cm long, the segments narrow, and the corona deep.

Beach Spiderlily, Groundcovers, Hymenocallis littoralis, Outdoor Plants, Spider Lilly


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